• Sidney Public Schools Wednesday Early Outs: Professional Learning Communities

                    During the 4th quarter of the 2013-2014 school year, Sidney Public Schools began a new endeavor called Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). PLCs are designed to provide time for different groups of staff to meet, plan and discuss a variety of items. While school staff have always done these types of things, this “built in hour” ensures adequate time is truly available for much needed time to work and learn together.  In days past, teachers would try to find minutes before or after school or during lunch to do such work, often finding it difficult to meet with teachers from other buildings who might teach the same subject, or with teachers who might coach, have young children of their own, etc.  Each school building sets up a schedule for use of an hour a week for these groups to meet. These meetings take place weekly on Wednesday from 2:15-3:15.

                    At Sidney Public Schools a rotating schedule is used that includes staff trainings, grade level meetings, and curriculum team work. These meetings are designed to provide staff an opportunity to learn new technology, such as the new Infinite Campus grading system, or to give each grade level a chance to work together on curriculum/lessons for the grade level to maintain consistency between classrooms, or to collaborate on solutions for student academic or behavioral issues. The ultimate goal of PLCs is to ensure that students are learning.  In order to do this, staff must clearly identify what they want students to learn, how they assess student learning, identify what needs to be done to assist those who don’t learn,  or to provide extension opportunities for those who already know the material.   If you have questions about Sidney Public Schools PLCs please visit with any school administrator