• collaboration

    Structured process in which people work together, (co-labor) to analyze data that will impact how we work in the classroom in order to improve individual and collective results of our students.

    Collective commitments

    Values that represent the promises made among and between those who work there that focus on what must be done in order to achieve the vision that ensure at SPS that students learn today so they may thrive tomorrow.

    Critical questions

    What is it we want students to learn? How will we know when they have learned it? How will we respond when a student experiences difficulty in learning?  How will we enrich and extend the learning for students who are proficient?

    Common formative assessment

    This is created by a team of teachers responsible for the same grade level or subject.  These are used frequently throughout the year to identify students who need additional time and support for learning. Or to Identify teaching strategies that are the most effective in helping students successfully learn the skills. Or to identify areas students are having difficulty with in the curriculum. Or to develop goals for individual teachers or teams.


    This is achieved when all points of view have not only been heard but also solicited and the will of the group is evident even to those who most oppose it.

    Continuous improvement process

    Ongoing cycle of planning, doing, checking, and acting designed to improve results-constantly.

    Essential learning

    Can also be referred to as the power standards, essential outcomes, guaranteed and viable curriculum, essential academic goals


    Fundamental purpose of an organization. This answers the question why do we exist?

    PLC Professional Learning Community

    An ongoing process where educators work together to achieve better results for the students they serve. 

    Pyramid of Interventions

    A school wide plan that ensures every student in every course or level will receive additional time and support for the learning as soon as he/she experiences difficulty.  The multi-leveled (tiers) occur during the school day and students are required rather than invited to devote the extra time and support for learning

    Loose or tight

    In the first area staff have some flexibility (negotiable)  in approaching their work.  In the other area these expectations must be honored. (non-negotiable)

     SMART goals

    Specific, measurable, Attainable, Results Oriented and Time bound

    Summative assessment

    This tool is designed as a final measure to determine if the learning goals have been met.  This shows if the student is either proficient or not proficient. Passes or fails.

    Team norms

    These are established by each group that works together as a team and clarify expectations and responsibilities for behaviors and participation during meetings