• World History                                                                          NAME:

    Mrs. Faulhaber                                                                        DATE:

    Review sheet for Chapter 15                                                    PER:


    I. Renaissance- meaning- “rebirth” or “renewal of Greece and Rome

                -background- Italy, why? Remains of R.E., Medici$

                -humanists- goal, method, cause and effect

                -philosophical, artistic (including writing) movement

                -printing press- Johannes Gutenberg (German), Bibles

                -leftover feelings of Middle Ages- fear of God, yet confusion and doubt

                -realism and perspective

    “well-rounded” Renaissance man: best example is Leonardo da Vinci



    -Leonardo da Vinci

    -Michelangelo Buonarroti


    -Raphael Sanzio




    -Albrecht Durer

    **ARCHITECT- Filippo Brunelleschi

    **WRITERS:William Shakespeare

    -Niccolo Machiavelli

    -Baldassare Castiglione

    -Desiderius Erasmus

    -Francesco Petrarch

    -Sir Thomas More


    II. Protestant Reformation: Germany, why- not united, 300+ city-states

    -Johann Tetzel- indulgences

    -Martin Luther- upbringing, lightning, stressed monkà relaxed monk

                95 theses, publications, excommunication, Diet at Worms (HRE and Frederick)

                INNER FAITH (no doubt) in God, Bible = authority, followers = Protestants

    -Huldrich Zwingli- Switzerland; similar but differing ideas, sects

    -John Calvin-predestination, spread throughout Europe, Huguenots- French

    -King Henry VIII- Anglican Church

    III. Catholic Counter-Reformation– Reaffirm Catholicism, stop Protestantism

    -Council of Trent (3 sessions) to reaffirm and stop Protestants; Index of Forbidden Books

    -new orders- St. Ignatius Loyola (Spiritual Exercises) and Jesuits

    -results of the church (both Catholic and Protestant) revivalism- education, reading, Bible, resolved problems of the church, but still confusion


    IV. Culture- witches/spirits, demons/devils, entertainment

    -fear of the unknownà superstitions, witches-good vs. bad, older “wise” people, priests

    leads to disenchanted people and Scientific Revolution